Robb Montgomery will be leading mobile video storytelling workshops and presenting keynotes at: International Festival of Journalism April 15-19, Perugia Video reporting with iPhone and iPad One-day course: Discover how to transform your smartphone into a pro video camera. 30 April 2015, London Multimedia reporting with iPhone and iPad One-day course: A masterclass in creating interactive visual […]
I am Safe – a Hackathon app to prevent sexual violence in India
The teams that developed the “I am Safe” concept with me at the Hackathon in Bangalore. I thought you might like this fresh Hackathon result. The “I am Safe” is a mobile app concept was developed in last Saturday’s Hackathon workshop that I led in Bangalore for WAN-IFRA Asia. This is a digital project and […]
How to host a successful hackathon using The Design Method
Outlines, structures for organizing a hackathon that gets results. The chief concern for running hackathon is having your goal organized and communicated properly. Getting the right people for each three person team that is participating is critical. Step One Each team needs a journalist, a programmer, a designer or front-end developer. One of these people […]
Chicago Sun-Times Photo Gallery – A Tribute to photo journalism
“I have a photographic memory . . .I take pictures to remember.”— Robb Montgomery I like to tell my little joke whenever I teach visual journalism.It usually gets the laugh I want, but it is painfully true. Great pictures burn a memory into our brains like no other story form. In August of 2004 the […]
Recent design projects
Digital media projects demand expertise and agile approaches to integrate new technologies, training programs, workflows, and design to create winning solutions. Three recent projects illustrate that our experience in integrating these disciplines leads to great results. Radio Free EuropeMultimedia for Reporters Radio Free Europe is providing reporters in the field with smartphone kits […]