Earn a certificate in mobile video production journalism or train your entire team in design thinking methods with the accredited Smart Film School courses.

How people are using Smart Film School remote training courses:
1) Complete a certificate course for your professional development. (Like United Nations Communications officers do)
2) Order a campus license for your school (Like the Danish School of Journalism does)
3) Schedule a private, instructor-led course to train female journalists in Africa and Asia. (Like WAN-IFRA does)
The leading UK journalism training organization has partnered with the Smart Film School to offer an accredited certificate course in Mobile Journalism.

More case studies
The United Nations booked our online course in Digital Storytelling to train their public information officers in 26 countries. They added the Instructor-led option that allows for weekly engagement and personalized coaching.

Media development programs like the Women in News program run by WAN-IFRA use our courses to train batches of 100 journalists at a time from different regions around the globe.

Schedule a chat to discuss your training needs.
What trainees say:
Valerie Koga
“This Mobile Journalism Certificate Course was exciting, challenging and fulfilling, and the trainer was great. I’m grateful Robb was always ready to give feedback. I liked that the lessons were simplified and divided into small sections that made them easy to access, follow and reflect on. The assignments were quite challenging, but very interesting. Coming from a print background, filming and editing opened up my eyes to the work that goes into production and telling a good visual story; and I had quite a lot of fun while at it. I carry with me many lessons from the virtual class and the field. To the school, trainer and my sponsors, thank you for the great experience and new skills.”
Elvin Eldria
“All is covered for minimalist filmmaking, and not only i-phone. Android is pretty well covered here. The course is very detailed, with examples, names of brand, prices. All kind of situations are covered: outdoor, studio, interview… name it. Also all about sound and light is detailed, with hardware options. I feel really it’s worth the price, bravo!”
Jane Lee
“This course is packed with rich content and information on how to create videos. Each lecture provided instructional materials and tools to help you make video production easy. This is a course not to be missed. “
Randy Hendricks
“Once I started the course, I could not quit until I had completed it. Each segment was interesting, informative, creatively presented and edited with precision. I loved the course and learned a lot from it.”
Daniel Clifton
“Robb’s teaching style is very engaging and he does a great job of presenting the material in a easy-to-learn manner.”
Janet Vasil
“The Instructor’s knowledge and experience are top notch and his many training programs are always presented in a clear, concise way.”
Danny Sparks
“Wow! Great content! One of the best courses I have taken!”
Christopher McGinnis
“ I learned a lot of great tips and useful tools to help me create quality videos. This course is highly recommended!”
Eddie Mikell
“Excellent detail in the examples. Like the fact that he gives real equipment names for use with the iPhone, so you don’t have to try to search google or amazon to find something that might or might not work.”
Jerry George
“To the point. Videos are precise and focus on one aspect at a time.”
Devon Huey
“I really enjoyed all the tips and tricks. Background stories of how the pictures and videos were created helped a lot to get me thinking in that direction. Thank you for this course.”
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