Request a free mobile journalism workshop with filmmaker and author Robb Montgomery.

U.S. Speaker Programs are arranged and implemented upon request from U.S. embassies and consulates around the globe.
Montgomery will deliver four #Mojo Workshops for journalism associations and students, courtesy of the U.S Consulate in Barcelona and the @StateDept U.S. Speaker Program.
Sept. 27 — ZARAGOZA
Sept. 30 — BARCELONA
The U.S. Embassy in Singapore invited Robb Montgomery to produce a MOJO workshop for Asian journalists, students and professors at Google’s Asia Pacific headquarters.
Smartphone to Silver Screen
“How mobile journalists tell big stories with small cameras”
This workshop will provide you the opportunity to learn from and interact with an experienced U.S. media professional, access resources to navigate the larger news media industry, and explore some of the most pressing topics in the modern world of news reporting.
SCREENING – Best of the Mobile Journalism Awards
Special Event: Theatrical screening of the top five finalists of the recent Mobile Journalism Awards international competition. Presented by the chair of the Mobile Journalism Awards, Robb Montgomery.
Followed by comment and Q&A session.
Finalists films are short documentaries from mobile journalists in Canada, France, Chile, U.K. and U.S.A.
The Mobile Journalism Awards is an annual global competition run by the Visual Editors Non-Profit to identify, advance and celebrate the best mobile journalism reporting each year.
#MojoAwards has three categories:
Mobile Journalism, Crisis Reporting, Documentary
The best Documentary Short Films and Mojo Stories are first screened at a special event at the NABSHOW in Las Vegas in partnership with the Broadcast Educators Association.
Full details at
U.S. Speaker Program Description
The U.S. Speaker program sends experts from the United States abroad, either in person or virtually, to engage and consult with key foreign audiences on a variety of technical topics.
U.S. Speakers address topics identified and developed by U.S. missions, generally U.S. embassies and consulates, worldwide in cooperation with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Montgomery has recently produced #MOJO workshops for the Press Association of Jamaica and University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria.
Contact the Cultural Affairs officer at the U.S. Embassy or consulate in your country to request my MOJO workshop.
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