Journalism in the clear BlueSky
Every now and then you get a chance for a “Do Over.” And that is what it feels like with the…

Mobile Filmmaking: Tips from My China Documentary Experience
Behind the Scenes of a cultural exchange tour of south west China as a documentary filmmaker….

Best gear for Mobile Video Journalism and Mobile Filmmaking for TV
The best gear for mobile video journalism and mobile filmmaking for broadcast TV and film productions. Low cost solutions! Essential mobile…
Master Mobile Storytelling: Workshop for Media Makers
A three-hour workshop for media people, university visits, press clubs, and NGOs….

Ukrainian journalists in Berlin after leading #MobileJournalism workshops in Singapore, London and Sweden.
MOBILE JOURNALISM WORKSHOPS SINGAPORE – August 12-17 LONDON – Sept 4-8 SWEDEN – Sept 20-22 BERLIN – Sept 25-27 This summer I have been upgrading key pieces of my…

Journalism in the clear BlueSky
Every now and then you get a chance for a “Do Over.” And that is what it feels like with the BlueSky social network that is suddenly taking off in the wake of the recent USA elections. Since 2007 you may have known me…

Mobile Filmmaking: Tips from My China Documentary Experience
Behind the Scenes of a cultural exchange tour of south west China as a documentary filmmaker….

Best gear for Mobile Video Journalism and Mobile Filmmaking for TV
The best gear for mobile video journalism and mobile filmmaking for broadcast TV and film productions. Low cost solutions! Essential mobile video Gear This is the mobile video gear you first need for your smartphone to start filming professional video. It will last a…
Master Mobile Storytelling: Workshop for Media Makers
A three-hour workshop for media people, university visits, press clubs, and NGOs….

Ukrainian journalists in Berlin after leading #MobileJournalism workshops in Singapore, London and Sweden.
MOBILE JOURNALISM WORKSHOPS SINGAPORE – August 12-17 LONDON – Sept 4-8 SWEDEN – Sept 20-22 BERLIN – Sept 25-27 This summer I have been upgrading key pieces of my my mojo gear and testing them in the field. Testing new kit while hiking between Alpine mountain huts, kayak camping in Germany,…

Ukraine Mobile Journalism Workshops
UKRAINE: I spent two weeks teaching Mobile Journalism to frontline journalists — reporters who were forced to leave their homes and now live and report from elsewhere in the country. It was an honor to serve these courageous journalists and upskill them in…