This summer I have been upgrading key pieces of my my mojo gear and testing them in the field. Testing new kit while hiking between Alpine mountain huts, kayak camping in Germany, and Cycling 400 kilometers to Prague over eight days.

Travel adventure stories provide a broad palette of story forms to explore and I even covered breaking news in Prague when a group of street vigilantes decided to, um, relocate a German VW van that was blocking the way of a street car tram.
am headed to Singapore to lead three days of Mobile Journalism and documentary filmmaking workshops for a large news broadcaster that has reporters in 11 Asian countries. It is a client that I have served for more than 10 years and it is a pleasure to work with again. The power of Mojo is able to perform many varied storytelling roles across the news organization.
The week in Singapore will be capped with a Screening of the Mobile Journalism Awards winning films at a Mobile filmmaking workshop organized by the US Embassy and SUSS Singapore University of Social Sciences.
Mobile journalism is liberating when your camera becomes an extension of your news gathering and daily note taking.
You pay closer attention to details and moments that may be developing in front of you. Big cameras are nice and have their place, but a properly trained mobile journalist can respond in an instant and capture unplanned, candid moments with exquisite quality.
London – Mobile Journalism Meetup
In September I have three workshops planned for London, Sweden and Berlin
London will involve three days of training for a large broadcast news outlet. I am reaching out to UK pals to see if there will be a chance for a Monday Mojo meetup on Sept 4.
Ping me if you can offer a venue to host a pop-up mojo meetup!
Global Investigative Journalism Conference
Join me in Gothenburg, Sweden on Sept 22, 2023 for a Mobile Journalism Masterclass. I will be joined by award-winning mobile journalist Ayoub Toumi for a 75-minute share and show session with the world’s most feared journalists!

Bringing Ukrainian journalists to Berlin
In June I spent two weeks in Ukraine training journalists in Odessa and Ivano-Frankivsk (Journalism Co UK Wrote about this this week).
Now, I are working on a plan to bring a group of 12 journalists from Ukraine to Berlin for a study tour and mobile documentary filmmaking workshop.
IPI is offering travel grants and if the journalist’s grants are approved, the US Embassy in Berlin is interested in supporting it further.
We plan to have film screenings of their documentaries at a legendary Berlin cinema, networking exchanges with German journalists, visits to media houses, AND hit the streets with Mojo to find and film fresh stories.
This will be epic if all goes as planned.
Ping me if you want to donate, volunteer resources or equipment, hotel nights, a dinner, a screening event or whatever you can do to make their time here profound and impactful.
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