Download the Syllabus for Mobile Journalism.
Mobile Journalism Syllabus for teaching mobile journalism
The mobile journalism textbook “Smartphone Video Storytelling” features a companion web site and a section for educators who are using the book with their students.
Learning outcomes
I teach students in my university mobile journalism courses to be able to:
- Use smartphones for newsgathering
- Shoot video with smartphones
- Produce live streams using smartphones
- Conduct interviews with smartphones
- Edit video with smartphones
- Present stories for mobile audiences
- Produce videos for different social platforms
- Produce social video reports with a smartphone
- Write a great script and record voice-over narration
- Produce reporter-led stories
- Report character-led stories
- Produce piece-to-camera segments
- Produce vertical video stories
- Make a video from photos and a script
- Edit video on deadline
- Record smooth video
- Film in shot sizes and patterns
- Use the best apps for video
- Perform simple, but powerful video editing
- Compress time with sequences
- Edit audio tracks
- Storyboard a short video report
- Organize visual elements into a video story
View and download the “Sample Syllabus for teaching Mobile Journalism” in the Instructor Resources section at
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