How African journalists receive Mobile Journalism online training from the Thomson Reuters Foundation Reporting Hub project.
I am leading a group of top African journalists in a Mobile Journalism online training for the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

I am really enjoying sharing and training this group of journalists – from Ghana to Malawi to Uganda — in the ways of Mobile Journalism for the COVID-19 Reporting Hub.
For this training series in mobile Journalism I ‘flipped the classroom’ by providing personalized coaching and sharing of broadcast quality tutorials from the Smart Film School Masterclass on Mobile Journalism.
The detailed MOJO skills assessment I first developed for Radio Free Europe back in 2010 is the key to assigning the right training tutorials from this vast resource.
I don’t have six weeks to train these journalists in the ways of mobile journalism like I do in the online masterclass that I run for
So I have to be laser-focused on their highest priorities. (The data I have collected from tens of thousands of my trainees is instrumental in designing online courses that result in high engagement.)

In our live video session together we drilled down further to engage on specific issues they were having. This is the key to making remote training work. You have to use the live video chat time to deliver personalized coaching and less for lecturing.

The journalists have completed several weeks of training as part of their participation in the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s COVID-19 Crisis Reporting Hub.
The Hub was launched by the Foundation to equip journalists with the core skills and information they need to report on the pandemic and its impact on economies, health care systems and communities.
I even got to share my #COVIDー19 #MOJO reports from the bike lane.
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